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Micro Current Facial Rejuvenation

Micro Current Facial Rejuvenation is a holistic anti-aging treatment system, non-invasive, painless, safe, simple, and relaxing. People who are taking these treatments look by up to 10-20 years younger. The treatments are done by applying local micro current to the tissues, non-needle micro current acupuncture, meridian balancing of your energies, all combined with therapeutic essential oils and recommendations of using high quality skin care products and supplements.  The treatment can help with sagging skin, dark circle under the eyes, puffy eyes, droopy eyelids, sun damaged skin, wrinkles and much, much more.

It is a great alternative to facelift surgery. For microcurrent treatments I use two wands of positive and negative polarization, with a low level electrical current running in between. During the treatment, the wands are placed over the face, causing a tightening of the skin. It can help to fight against the signs of aging, and helps to lift, tone and firm the skin.

Prepaid sessions (recommended): - $1705 - 12 treatments product package 

                                                            Regular $2389, save $684 

                                                         - $1225 - 6 treatments product package

                                                            Regular$1507, save $282

Prepaid sessions: - $1080 - 12 treatments package

                              - $600 - 6 treatments package

Individual session: $130, regular $147


Meridian Balancing

Are you not sure what meridian balancing will do? Meridian balancing will help to balance the autonomic nervous system. When meridian balancing is done it harmonizes and balances the entire body. When the functions of the body are improved the appearance of your face will also improve. 

Bring yourself back into balance! 

Using this procedure you will notice improvement with:

  •  your sleep

  •  your moods

  •  your energy

  •  your stress level

  •  your overall health

Fees: $40/session

Acne and Rosacea 

Acne and rosacea could be caused by immunity problems or hormonal changes. We, as women, don't like showing ourselves in public with the breakouts of these conditions. Microcurrent treatment it comes to the rescue without having any uncomfortable, painful or risk side effects. 

For these treatments you will get:

  • Assessment of the face and areas of concern

  • Photographs of the face pre treatment, mid treatment and at the end of the treatment

  • Information package on further methods to enhance skin health

  • Local microcurrent stimulation to reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair of the affected area of the face

  • Non-needle acupuncture points on body and ears

  • Meridian energy balancing

  • The use of therapeutic grade essential oils

  • Information will be provided on natural skin care products

  • Diet, lifestyle and supplement advice specific to your condition

Fees: $80/session

Prepayment of 5 treatments (recommended): $369, save $31

Quit Smoking

Smoking is a habit that can affect many aspects of your health: lungs, teeth and not ultimately your skin. The reason for quitting this habit can be related to health issues, to save money, to be a role model for someone and it can be stopped if the person has the desire to do it.

Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals that can lead to different health issues and speed up the aging process. One of these chemicals is acetaldehyde that will have a negative impact over the skin. This will attack the connective tissue that holds the skin together, and it will make the skin saggy and wrinkly.  The body will be depleted of vitamin C which is one of the antioxidants that will help with the collagen production, vital for keeping the skin supple and healthy.

Treatment will include:

  • Meridian balancing

  • Specific non-needle acupressure points on body and ears

  • Supplements and essential oils suggestions

Fees: $80/session

Prepayment of 5 treatments (recommended): $369, save $31


The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. When this joint is injured or damaged, it can lead to a localized pain disorder called temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome.

Signs and symptoms of TMJ :

  • Jaw pain

  • Jaw clicking and popping 

  • Earache

  • Popping sounds in the ears or tinnitus 

  • Headaches

  • Stiff and sore jaws

  • Pain in the temples

  • Locking of he jaw joint

  • Have a hard time to open or close the mouth

  • Treatments will include evaluation of the areas of pain and function of the jaw, local microcurrent stimulation to reduce inflammation, relax tense muscles and restore normal jaw function, non-needle acupuncture of the body and ears, meridian balancing, the use of therapeutic grade essential oils, information will be provided on methods to reduce stress on your TMJ, information will be provided on natural pain relieving methods for home use.

Fees: $80/session

Prepayment of 5 treatments (recommended): $369, save $31


Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can be very debilitating in someone’s life. You know you suffer of this disorder when you find it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep for 6-8 hours or you wake up early and have a hard time to get back to sleep. In any of these situations you will feel tired after waking up. Insomnia has a negative impact on our aging process and on our health.

How long should a person sleep?

  • Newborn and infants should get between 12-17 hours sleep

  • Children should sleep around 10-12 hours

  • Teenagers should get around 10 hours of sleep

  • Adults should sleep at least 8 hours

Insomnia can affect our stress levels, anxiety, hormone activity, the risk of obesity and even risk of congestive heart failure and diabetes.

This service involves:

  • Meridian balancing

  • Specific body and ear non-needle acupuncture points

  • Lifestyle and supplements suggestion

Fees: $80/session

Prepayment of 5 treatments (recommended): $369, save $31

Scar Treatment

Scars are composed from fibrous tissues and they appear as a result of injuries, acne scars, surgeries or different other reasons. They form as a result of our body response after we get injured in order to replace lost or damaged skin. They can come in all shapes and sizes and in time they become more faded. Depending on the type of injury the body suffered the scar can be more visible. To lessen the appearance of the scars, especially if they are in a more visible spot of the body, they can be treated with microcurrent.

Treatment will include:

  • Meridian balancing

  • Local microcurrent stimulation to promote tissue repair and lessen the inflammation

  • Specific non-needle acupuncture ear and body points

  • Supplements and essential oils suggestion for scar care

  • Home care to enhance the results


Fees: $80/session

Prepayment of 5 treatments (recommended): $369, save $31

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